Friday, 13 January 2017


what if your life gets taken away
what if the universe  won't change, but stay the same
what of the humans left behind
what of the cries we hear, echoing inside

Is it you or us or we
who can they blame
the fire its blaze it ignites the spark too late
but if one of
yes one of us
can defy it all and see

Its all in our heads this hate and unyielding ways
We were born to evolve and change one another
like the beat from a drum a rhythm a sound to unite each other

Won't you come join me
Unite and form this revolution of freedom
With no persecution or blame blinding us
Dispersing of all confining conformity

For we shall be one, happy as intended
With only the rope marks on our wrists and feet as badges of victory
Reminding us of the battles we fought
and those yet to come

Stuck in my in-between

I'm impatient;
Impatient from all these feelings

I'm immobile;
Immobile i can't feel a thing

And i don't even want to know the why
I just only care about you now

So see me
Please hear me
Because if you go
I realize I'll be no more

Time's meant to heal all of our wounds
But you're too deep , you're apart of me

I'm anxious;
Anxious its pins and needles all over me

I'm empty
Empty without you i'm just half a piece

So reach for me
Please feel for me
Because your absence is my end
I think i can hear the fat lady sing


Thursday, 12 January 2017


Engrave on veins deep rooted in the soul
Mystify the mind and burden it with holes
The confusion that lurks 
in the cracks formed in the beaten road
A definite path of destruction and freedom

Illusion made to change you and break you
Build you and shame you

In case you find exactly want you're seeking
Try not to look beyond 
For the madness might sip in 
Consume and overwhelm

Remember you've been warned 
You've been shown 
So be careful what you wish for
Hurt heals in time
