Friday, 30 August 2013


Your suffocating my all
Feeling trapped all the ceiling are crashing in.........
My heart squeezing and contracts with every footstep i hear towards me
Please don't try to be that angel
I don't need to be saved by you

I'm aware of my own damnation
I just want to be free of you
So please don't try to act like my awakening
The first and the only true love to come
My walkway and carry me up to Oblivion

This isn't supposed to mean more that what it says
If you hear through the stridulation of crickets
and the follow the knowing smile of the Gondolayer rower
You will fell the utter reckoning of the people
and their aching souls and may be

A slimmer of my reaction and contraint feelings
would mount on the waves like a crashing sound
Then out from the dust
I wake and discover you finally found me
Right from the beams of the heart of the sun
my dis-conjoined memory will coil back to
my mind then to my heart
And i'll finally be home


THE CALLING - The resisting heart

Back to the start.......

I put my earphones on
I try to block the noise
But it's funny to me
you all can't hear a thing

I hear it screaming, alarming
Doing everyting to get my attention
Try to make it believe
But knowing my nature
I figured it should have known better

To decide to come and change
All that's already been made
And turn it inside out
Who do you think you are
Then I pose ask out loud
With all the million things I heard
Are you the one who made me

The all seeing one in everything i do
Why are you denying me a chance to know you
Is the cry i hear in my heart
How was I to ever realise
I might have been hasty not wise
Then complicated things

To make the mountains grow
All that i will never know
To hear the echoes fly
Are really what I feel in my heart
I know that I will go
Where you lead
If you show me the road.........

(The path of every believer is a trial-some one...are you ready?)


Hearts in Despair

I know you can feel me turning through
All the gears and locks put to stop me
I'm sure you can hear me
Screaming & shouting for you
Why are you acting so angry
It's as if you don't know your own reflection
I see the hold and clench
That shadow has over your mind
The aching demons
who come alive in the dead of nigh

So when will you accept
that you're at your wits end
And try to......

Show the world that your not what I think you are
Please don't try to cover all the pain
I now feel it from 100 light years from you
Tell them that the life you lived is all done for you
So won't you listen to your heart
Because i'm crying out in vain
Come closer and try to hold on
Do your best not to break
I can see you lose your focus
Balancing on that tight thin tread

Even when the last of the rain drops leaves the tip of that leaf
Remember there's no more pressure or need to impress
You just need to find that marvel
That electric motion in the stars
Where time stands still and holds you
So you might get a strength to last
To find Equilibrium.



Big Bang Theory

Zdrah-stvooy my people .I'm going to talk about series today what we all know is our guilty pleasure..
.The most common problem i noticed with series is if there is a good one which becomes incredibly amazing then by all means it will be canceled.i don't know what's up with the network companies .Case and point series entitled: the class, outsourced, dead like me, red widow, alphas,just to mention but a few..why are they taken from us.i ask WHY!!!!!!!
Anyway when it comes to comedies i absolutely love The Big Bang Theory. i mean its original and very funny plus the cast..........WoW especially Jim Parsons aka Sheldon Cooper who is the most amazing character...he acts his role in an amicable way that we actually wonder if this is his actual character in real life......The rest of the cast is well represented and we all fully appreciate them but to be honest without Sheldon as a character and Jim Parsons in that role then the show would be one of those pointless wastes of time that aren't event that amusing.

Think you know "Tbbt"? Well, let's find out! <3

Thursday, 29 August 2013



Agandi my pips. I feel I should talk about what s really unappreciated in the world today Music to be precise ROCK.
I love rock and roll..........7 I might or may not be singing the point is that Rock is really moving music. I must confess it's my favorite type music because most its lyrics are powerful and moving.

The movie rock of ages was very very awesome if you were a fan of rock it must have lit you off the floor and even the people who aren't became after watching it. It's an inspiring movie with lots of rock music that are in the words of Barney Stinson LEGEN.....(wait for it) ..........DARY.

To understand passion and music is to understand rock.........
There really isn't mush to say about this brand of harmony that when heard through the walls of a house of when the first string of a base guitar is plucked you feel that your heart is moving forward into the artist's are literally transported and i applaud all the talented artist of this find texture and the one's yet to be born..............Well done I take my hat off for you.

So i ask my dear pets what is it that inspires you in music and what is your poison..........hmmmmmmmmmm or are you the go with the floor kind of girl.or guy..........................
Do you often think music identify s you........ well i have news for

you it is you that  should identify with it...........
 Rock has moved through different aspects in history and through its evolution came powerful music..................
anyway enough about me ranting on about what i love.......what
about you.....what rocks your boat?

Too Tight/ Short to move OR breathe

Goeie Dag my people, I felt that i might need to share my love with my fellow sisters/ladies too because we have to look for one another. I want to introduce the type of lady who I'm a ashamed to say gives us all a bad name, she is:

PART 2 = The Ladies (Desperate Darlings)

Ladies Ladies if you belong in this category listen very closely YOU DON'T HAVE TO DRESS SO LOOSELY or you most definitely will warrant unwanted attention from sexual perverts and creeps because your dress code screams something else called desperation. I'm aware that most of us are led a stray by friends who are influential or even magazines and televisions of the role models or celebrities we dream of being but what you forget that to them dressing like that is a job an d they immediately remove the costume and its another day whereas for you it's actually your life and all you might hold to be true.
So please don't be identified by the clothes you wear let them be an extension of you.
I know there are those ladies who use this indecent dressing as a way to get what they want at any cost for instance if they know they can get financial gain or use it for their own personal vendetta; so guys please be advised and find a way to spot out who they are and try to protect yourselves.

Ladies lets not "GIVE UP THE COOKIE" to any idiot who shows you money or a flashy car......don't forget not all that glitters is gold, you might be entering your own personal hell.
Don't forget that you are a reflection of God's image or not even though your religious or not you should respect yourself.

The Submissive / Hiding type

You are a brand of female who wants the least attention to your self, you will literally do everything and anything not to because noticed, it could be because of childhood trauma or drama that doesn't give you an excuse to dress as a doormat.
You are a complete opposite of the attention seeker, you my dear should get out of your shell and explore all around might surprise yourself . I'm not saying you should go out and start dressing in the tightest or shortest clothes but i want to advise you to look for better fitting and of date clothes PLEASE don't break the bank find affordable fashion for yourself, you may finally get the attention of the person you secretly like ;)

That's all my darling for now.......

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Pick Up Lines - Clear sign for HELP!

Ni hao, I'm starting a new thing of greeting with a different language whenever I can from all around the world. (All this is a way for me to vent and give you my readers in some aspects i believe i know about so if you disagree or agree please comment below and on face book). In this segment today let me introduce to              

PART 1= The Gentlemen (Eager beavers)

 'Gentlemen those of you who are a little to trigger happy and always want to rush into anything and anyone; don't get me wrong i know spontaneity is good and often encouraged but you put a rein on your actions. You know what I'm taking about for instance blabbing out the first thing that gets out of your mouth instead of thinking first then responding later. Please be cautious, what advise you need is Preparation because you by nature simply jump into situations head first without thinking thus weird and awkward situations and most often than not reaction from ladies and some times peers. Don't listen to those friends of yours who just want to use you as a punchline for their joke be sure of your plan before action. Be warned that some women will take advantage of this and want to take everything from you for instance for financial gain or to use as a pity party for their joke with their friends. Don't forget you are in control.....remember these three things Dress the part, Feel the part and Do the part.
With that I wish you the best in the outside world..........go get them ;)

THE HOW TO...............MEN Part 2

Guten tag my readers as we left off earlier n i was giving my honest to God opinion on what i think should be.....I you agree or not please comment below i would love to here all. Today we are zeroing on the guys who for some obscure reason having an absurd belief that first impressions don't matter. Well i have news for you it does. This leads me to the introduction of:

The I don't care/ First impressions don't matter guy

(Right end of the Photograph)
This category of men amuse me because they know full well women, the majority of us are very visual so when they walk around with uncombed hair and unruly facial hair like food in a beard, untucked in shirts on suits, unironed shirts, dirty clothes...all this is naturally unappealing and a turn off for ladies. You then have the audacity to complain why ladies aren't into you REALLY? anyway the tip is please try to groom your self, I'm not talking but Armani suits and wear Calvin Klein underwear daily and break the bank but you can be smart with simply take care of your appearance because it does matter to the us and it should matter to you. The I don't care attitude (mainly monopolized by guys in early 20's - mid 30's) you have should just be squashed please get a more responsive and assertive one because like or not women still want a men they can respect and look up to for themselves,children and show off to their friends and family. This is a characteristic of the lazy type of men since they are too pathetic to do anything they just say they don't care and 'are going with the flow' yet when it comes down to it we all know you just LAZY. So please in this regard grow up and the men other guys aspire to be a MAN'S MAN.

The Unfaithful/ Player

Gentlemen if you have a wondering eye and for some reason can't seem faithful to one woman then its simple tell them in advance you want an open relationship PLEASE FOR YOUR SAKE DON'T WAIT because you will get caught, I'm not promising miracles and telling you that she will accept and be into it but at least you are honest and she can know all the cards on the table never know she might be open to it. I'm sure there are you guys who disagree  & won't listen to me don't forget this quote 'Hell Hath no Fury like a Woman Scorned'. I like to believe that whoever said this originally was talking about the reaction of a woman after being wronged. Those of you who are from Uganda know the measures some ladies go through for revenge after being lied or cheated on  by hiring ''Iron Bar People'' to take care of the problem who could be your other lady or worst case scenario you fall victim to them. So please men in this field keep it together and be careful because if the tables were turned you wouldn't be amused plus the obvious risk of getting infected with an STD or AIDS.

The Momma's boy

Throughout history this category of species of men often have a clash with the wives and mothers.Sadly when the men get married they think the women are they exchange vows to are to be their substitute mothers but that not what your lady signed up for. When you promise her a partner not a maid and a mother to  always agree and baby you that's what she expects so please don't disappoint because she will leave you and find some one who can be there for her and provide support. When you are looking for a lady try not to look for one just like your mother or choose one just to please her because in the long run you might hate your partner or she might cause a drift in your life. This is a complete and utter turn off for us ladies, the constant checking in with her 5 times a day and asking for her opinion on your type of underwear. So my advise is please put a clear distinction between your mother and your lady and make sure they both know where they stand and find a balance where you can have them respect each other because in the long run you will most likely lose your lady or lose your mother.

THE HOW TO.......... MEN

Bonjour my readers this section is dedicated to the men out there. Most often than not men naturally feel they need to be in control we don't blame you in fact in situations it very helpful and useful and we may gush all over what you have to say.................that is until you say it.....CRINGE! This leads me to the :

The Boring/Too aggressive Conversationalist

From the first glance when the opposite sex glances at you we think ' hmmm maybe ', when you look our way and smile we may smile back, you approach us with confidence and we are loving it that is until you open your mouth and say a remark which n your head is flattering but honestly to us its offensive. For instance demanding a lady come with you since you brought her drinks or practically forcing her to dance with you. Gentlemen let me give you a tip a woman isn't that complex to understand if she wants to dance then she will and if she wants to leave with you or check up on you the next day she will..TRUST ME. when a woman is interested nothing will stand in her way.........because of the use of web these days she can look you up and come with some silly excuse to see you. Whether its to repay you for the meal / drink you shared or that you simply left without your pen (most often isn't yours) don't panic if she wants you she will do what she needs to............My point in all this is please don't forget ladies do not i repeat for good measure DON'T like being asked questions .''Do you want to have dinner with me'' OR.''Have dinner with me''..we like to be on the other side of the questioning however when you make a suggestion and make it seem like we are given a choice and have the power (since it's the 21st Century no one wants to be ordered around....unless you are 100% sure that's what she likes don't do it.) an example of asking her out would be '' I'm having /going to have dinner or a party tomorrow and i would like it if you join/accompany me'' (what ever occasion you have planned- please keep it in a public and classy area if you are having a first date, she will feel more comfortable and is highly likely to say yes to you). Ladies aren't generally cruel an always say no just for the fun of it or to get some power.....i know you may feel singled out but try to remember this when you ask her out with the many questions and have on that puppy dog face which if she isn't sure or interested will look pathetic 'U' are putting her in an awkward situation, she might want to say yes but the questions put her off or may be her friends are around (try to get her without them or compliment her friends first DON'T FLIRT then smile at her and ask her out....if she wasn't sure then her friends will vouch for you since you temporarily have them on your side.

If you happen to be the boring type ( you know the type who can even make a baby bored -lets face it they don't need a lot to entertain them; even keys can work)..and you might know it or have no idea first check with your friends to tell you the honest truth if you doubt their opinion then go to that one person who will always tell you straight how it is and never sugar could be a friend or not anyway go to him / her and when you find out you are please don't panic it's not the end of the's simple all you have to do is relax and find a mutual ground when you meet the lady first observe the surrounding and see if she's with her friends if yes then approach with caution find a way to quickly get 'the nod' or approval from them before concentrating on your target, try to compliment them from admiring their styles in dressing or jewelry but stay away from tacky or borderline creepy jokes or remarks- don't go into detail about the design or how their lips look plum and ready; those are signs that will get you rejection quick. Observe details to find a topic of interest may be  the book she's reading or her lack of make up or presence of it compliment her as to how that makes her even more radiant, do your best to get a smile or laugh from her-it's always positive and in your favor.

The Creepy/ Stalker vibe

My dear men, if you know you are in this category you should be worried because the chances are you often might get drinks thrown at you, slapped and even the occasional trip to the police station or a visit from an officer due to the harassment. Don't panic there's a plan for you not to be in that sticky situation anymore and it's simply that you should dial down the CREEPY to a zero. How this done you wonder its simple try to see if she has interest in you and please en-devour to let her ask for information don't pry to mush and make it seem like the 'Spanish Inquisition.' You can offer you no. if she hasn't already don't press for information because your aim is to help her feel comfortable with you and build trust. Don't start talking about her family and life or intimate information she hasn't offered to you in case your on your date this will most definitely set alarm bells in her head and that won't work in your favor. I'm aware that since we are in the 21st Century information is easily accessed and due to social networks and the internet all one has to do is Google you and get information most people see it as an invasion of privacy. In this case it is safer for her to make the first moves before you freak her out so if she doesn't call you or ask about you through your friends or even look you up and friend request you on face book, chin up it isn't the end of the world she just isn't interested so please don't go to all her hang out places looking for her or even start crank calling her that will be inappropriate behavior and is in no way romantic so get the idea out of your head. Please this method requires a lot of patience and meditation and if your religious prayer.

That's all for now ......... Don't forget if you have comments please feel free to comment below

Tuesday, 27 August 2013


You've got the words and imagination to change the world but your sitting on your butt following like a sheep and waiting for what you usually call the '' RIGHT MOMENT'' . Come on even you know that doesn't really exit, your time is now..........
I was advised at an earlier age if you find and know something you are passionate about then do it..I found out at that time time to that i am a very noisy individual who was passionate about the arts mainly movies. I know all us movie buffs all believe that the movies we watch and like are the ones we should be happy about and proud of but i depends on taste and occasions and mood for a movie to hit its mark. We have ever been in that situation were a movie that we didn't understand or like before when watched much later possibly a week or a year you laugh or cry because it makes sense at the time?.......Its all about timing
I applaud all the directors for the vision they posses to help bring their imagination to life.and the actors for bring it to's so breath taking most of the time. All the drama, intrigue, action and thriller..........from flying witches to small hobbits to princesses, war heroes and inventors through history and the possible future we can all agree movies that transport us to a happy place.... anyway in my opinion :-P 

Is SEXY all that's needed?


I know in the 21st Century in order to get a message out to the youth that us.......all you need is to put a little 'sexy' statement or action in the message and since the main thing that captures attentions of majority of the population on earth in News is Disaster or Turmoil, Scandal and Sex. You might disagree but i really don't care or think that's the case..................We may refuse to accept but as they say SEX sells......
We should care about the repercussions of this message to the younger and point Miley Cyrus........i know in this current  2013 VMA's she was trying to show and extend her brand out and 'new' image as a good girl gone bad and not caring....but she's a role model and sadly an adult allowed to do that on National television which will in turn affect her younger and impressionable fans. I'm  not attacking or outing her but she's the first and recent example i could think of.
Not all messages sent through using the SEXY are bad for instance campaigns animal cruelty and breast cancer. It's sad that people actually think that in order to pass a message or get recognized it need to show a bit of skin and ride on that publicity train even though it makes a tarnished image.......they believe there's no such thing as bad press.............(doubtful) but it always has a lot or consequences. I'm no prude I do know songs  'sexy back, blurred lines' that we all enjoy that have the sexy theme so i cannot say it's all bad but I ask you my dearest readers is this the only way we can the message across........?

Live it , Love it, Own it

         All the Rage                            

The world of Fashion has always been known for its precision and cut throat attitude and attention to detail. This my dear readers is a war..........''. In the Fashion industry today you are in/ it but tomorrow your out'' - Heidi Klum (Project Runway)
Most of us know that fashion is ever moving and it recycles with a little minor changes in it over the years so please don't panic even you can be seen in your own light as a fashion expert. I'm aware there are close to a million people who believe they are critics in the world and think they know what they are talking about.some do but the majority....have no idea; but why do we often feel like when we step out of a room into the world we need an amour in form of clothes and style to reflect who we are. It's because fashion is a shield, a friend and a comfort and like every good knowing friend it can't be ignored or cast aside it has to be appreciated and shown off to the rest of the world.
Don't be the person who enters a room or walk down a street and people actually flinch or give you looks or a leader in that
So on a very serious note please for the love of God take care of your self and appearance, yes to suit the occasion, or job or mood but most important USE FASHION TO SUIT YOU not vise versa. It can be something as easy as putting on earrings or a bag or shoes that make a statement that show here i am and you better love it :-)
Don't be too big or too proud to follow what you feel is right for you and don't always TRY blend in clearly its not meant for you.
"WHY ARE YOU TRYING SO HARD TO FIT IN WHEN YOU ARE MEANT TO STAND OUT'' These words inspire me every day and en-devour to practice what i preach.
Therefore the question today is ; Are you bold enough to Live, Love & Own FASHION...?
................................with this i leave you much better than i found you.

Which part of the Season do you fall under

All seasons come and go but what really disturbs most of us as individuals is the constant nagging we here in our heads , how we aren't smart, fast ambitious or even pretty enough or bold to get courage and do what we feel like.
We all know life isn't a bed of roses.DUH! but the constant pressure from society and bloody stereo types tends to get us down.
In my opinion i do believe we have a hand in choosing were we are placed currently with our decisions in life it might be where your brought up, how u studied, grew up, who your friends are, what clothes, music, politics or religion you are or  like. Are we to blame for our situations.yes....but not 100%.
I urge myself and as well of the readers try your best if not with all you can spare and pick a season.............
When you have that season remember.adapt from it....Try to find a situation where you are unique, you stand out and are independent and don't forget that since we r all different seasons lets try to work together and not clash into each other.