Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Which part of the Season do you fall under

All seasons come and go but what really disturbs most of us as individuals is the constant nagging we here in our heads , how we aren't smart, fast ambitious or even pretty enough or bold to get courage and do what we feel like.
We all know life isn't a bed of roses.DUH! but the constant pressure from society and bloody stereo types tends to get us down.
In my opinion i do believe we have a hand in choosing were we are placed currently with our decisions in life it might be where your brought up, how u studied, grew up, who your friends are, what clothes, music, politics or religion you are or  like. Are we to blame for our situations.yes....but not 100%.
I urge myself and as well of the readers try your best if not with all you can spare and pick a season.............
When you have that season remember.adapt from it....Try to find a situation where you are unique, you stand out and are independent and don't forget that since we r all different seasons lets try to work together and not clash into each other.

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