Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Pick Up Lines - Clear sign for HELP!

Ni hao, I'm starting a new thing of greeting with a different language whenever I can from all around the world. (All this is a way for me to vent and give you my readers in some aspects i believe i know about so if you disagree or agree please comment below and on face book). In this segment today let me introduce to              

PART 1= The Gentlemen (Eager beavers)

 'Gentlemen those of you who are a little to trigger happy and always want to rush into anything and anyone; don't get me wrong i know spontaneity is good and often encouraged but you put a rein on your actions. You know what I'm taking about for instance blabbing out the first thing that gets out of your mouth instead of thinking first then responding later. Please be cautious, what advise you need is Preparation because you by nature simply jump into situations head first without thinking thus weird and awkward situations and most often than not reaction from ladies and some times peers. Don't listen to those friends of yours who just want to use you as a punchline for their joke be sure of your plan before action. Be warned that some women will take advantage of this and want to take everything from you for instance for financial gain or to use as a pity party for their joke with their friends. Don't forget you are in control.....remember these three things Dress the part, Feel the part and Do the part.
With that I wish you the best in the outside world..........go get them ;)

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