Wednesday, 28 August 2013

THE HOW TO.......... MEN

Bonjour my readers this section is dedicated to the men out there. Most often than not men naturally feel they need to be in control we don't blame you in fact in situations it very helpful and useful and we may gush all over what you have to say.................that is until you say it.....CRINGE! This leads me to the :

The Boring/Too aggressive Conversationalist

From the first glance when the opposite sex glances at you we think ' hmmm maybe ', when you look our way and smile we may smile back, you approach us with confidence and we are loving it that is until you open your mouth and say a remark which n your head is flattering but honestly to us its offensive. For instance demanding a lady come with you since you brought her drinks or practically forcing her to dance with you. Gentlemen let me give you a tip a woman isn't that complex to understand if she wants to dance then she will and if she wants to leave with you or check up on you the next day she will..TRUST ME. when a woman is interested nothing will stand in her way.........because of the use of web these days she can look you up and come with some silly excuse to see you. Whether its to repay you for the meal / drink you shared or that you simply left without your pen (most often isn't yours) don't panic if she wants you she will do what she needs to............My point in all this is please don't forget ladies do not i repeat for good measure DON'T like being asked questions .''Do you want to have dinner with me'' OR.''Have dinner with me''..we like to be on the other side of the questioning however when you make a suggestion and make it seem like we are given a choice and have the power (since it's the 21st Century no one wants to be ordered around....unless you are 100% sure that's what she likes don't do it.) an example of asking her out would be '' I'm having /going to have dinner or a party tomorrow and i would like it if you join/accompany me'' (what ever occasion you have planned- please keep it in a public and classy area if you are having a first date, she will feel more comfortable and is highly likely to say yes to you). Ladies aren't generally cruel an always say no just for the fun of it or to get some power.....i know you may feel singled out but try to remember this when you ask her out with the many questions and have on that puppy dog face which if she isn't sure or interested will look pathetic 'U' are putting her in an awkward situation, she might want to say yes but the questions put her off or may be her friends are around (try to get her without them or compliment her friends first DON'T FLIRT then smile at her and ask her out....if she wasn't sure then her friends will vouch for you since you temporarily have them on your side.

If you happen to be the boring type ( you know the type who can even make a baby bored -lets face it they don't need a lot to entertain them; even keys can work)..and you might know it or have no idea first check with your friends to tell you the honest truth if you doubt their opinion then go to that one person who will always tell you straight how it is and never sugar could be a friend or not anyway go to him / her and when you find out you are please don't panic it's not the end of the's simple all you have to do is relax and find a mutual ground when you meet the lady first observe the surrounding and see if she's with her friends if yes then approach with caution find a way to quickly get 'the nod' or approval from them before concentrating on your target, try to compliment them from admiring their styles in dressing or jewelry but stay away from tacky or borderline creepy jokes or remarks- don't go into detail about the design or how their lips look plum and ready; those are signs that will get you rejection quick. Observe details to find a topic of interest may be  the book she's reading or her lack of make up or presence of it compliment her as to how that makes her even more radiant, do your best to get a smile or laugh from her-it's always positive and in your favor.

The Creepy/ Stalker vibe

My dear men, if you know you are in this category you should be worried because the chances are you often might get drinks thrown at you, slapped and even the occasional trip to the police station or a visit from an officer due to the harassment. Don't panic there's a plan for you not to be in that sticky situation anymore and it's simply that you should dial down the CREEPY to a zero. How this done you wonder its simple try to see if she has interest in you and please en-devour to let her ask for information don't pry to mush and make it seem like the 'Spanish Inquisition.' You can offer you no. if she hasn't already don't press for information because your aim is to help her feel comfortable with you and build trust. Don't start talking about her family and life or intimate information she hasn't offered to you in case your on your date this will most definitely set alarm bells in her head and that won't work in your favor. I'm aware that since we are in the 21st Century information is easily accessed and due to social networks and the internet all one has to do is Google you and get information most people see it as an invasion of privacy. In this case it is safer for her to make the first moves before you freak her out so if she doesn't call you or ask about you through your friends or even look you up and friend request you on face book, chin up it isn't the end of the world she just isn't interested so please don't go to all her hang out places looking for her or even start crank calling her that will be inappropriate behavior and is in no way romantic so get the idea out of your head. Please this method requires a lot of patience and meditation and if your religious prayer.

That's all for now ......... Don't forget if you have comments please feel free to comment below

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