Monday 2 September 2013

HUH! are we on the same planet!


Olá . With miscommunications these often leave us irritated, disappointed, angry or even happy......generally they bring out the wrong emotion for that situation and the sad thing is that when we realise that it was an either a load removed of your shoulders or a giant mountain thrown at high speed on them for support.

The most common of them all is language often frustrates but it can be overcome sometimes if the hand gestures and body signs tend to help enlighten the other individual.
It's funny how men tend to put women in a bracket saying that they can't understand us and vise versa hence the concept Men from Mars and Women from Venus..........we all know it's got nothing to do with the planets but the aspect of how different the individual and character traits and demands both sexes are.

But it's really simple; Women are more complex....we work with complex.strive to fix it ....Champions at multitasking and yes we for some reason have a lot to talk about when ever near our pips....and we see men as challenges and most times sadly to say things to suit us

Men on the other hand see us as simply good looking beings , gentle and very complex. They like their lives to be just the way it is and expect the woman to fix into their lives and refuse to adjust. They hate complex and multitasking, don't like bickering and don't hold grudges for long.since they are very visual beings they get often distracted .

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