Case and point When you with your guy and you can clearly see he is tired and very preoccupied you might want his attention for that moment but did it occur to you that he doesn't want to talk ........ SOMETIMES THE GUYS JUST NEED TO BREATHE.
Ladies don't suffocate him because you want to grow closer together or try to get to know him or bond or which ever cockamamie story you have to delude yourself with they are times they want to be alone or sit in silence to clear their heads.
I believe men are less complex and don't go thinking and scrutinizing every little's no the way they were programmed sorry.
So my point i'm trying to drive across is when you see you man in front of a TV watching his precious Sports match, game, race or simply playing Xbox with his mates .........4 your sake don't start whining to him or switch of the television to get his attention because he promised two weeks before to take you shopping for that shoe..... will be killing an inner side of him (the inner child begging for fun and freedom) and most definitely he will be pissed because you happen to be emasculating him in front of his boys.
So if he acts aggressively towards you and maybe refuses don't be surprised.
In my opinion I believe they way we women love shop and get in touch with friends or bond over something whether a baby or a new outfit or simply a guy that's the way men like to have their space with their thoughts or in their den goofing of...........Women may not understand them but who cares they have their positive uses most of the time and i'm sure the confusion is mutual .
So the way we don't want to be interrupted when watching a sappy romance, series or shopping wit the girls is precisely how the male population feels.
Something to reflect upon ...........Cherio
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